Life Lately: February 2018

February was a great month – the beginning was lots of sun and surf (though we need to get better about bringing our camera and waterhousing with us when we go!), we hiked a few spots with friends and then the end of the month brought rain, rain and more rain (aka lots of time to get our taxes done!)

And just like the sun followed by the rain, being married means highs and lows can be butted right up against each other. In a few of these photos we had worked really hard to get to the top of a ridge line and it was a total high, the most breathtaking view and sense of accomplishment! But what we don’t have a photo of is five minutes later, as we were going downhill, when we got into a huge fight. A low that took apologies and time to repair.

Just something to keep in mind when you’re seeing examples of everyone else’s “perfect” marriages and feel like yours doesn’t measure up. We all have our junk and tough times, the ugly stuff we need to work through. And it’s a choice to work through it in order to experience some of the most awesome moments together. But nobody gets the highs without the lows…not how it’s designed 🙂

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