Life Lately: January 2018

We ended our time in Ohio by spending our last days visiting with our families and newest nephew. We then drove with our moms to the airport to move back to Hawai’i – during which time we dropped and cracked our 2 year old iPhone and left one of our laptops charging at the Indy airport (thanks Fedex for getting it back to us quickly!)

Life lately in Hawai’i: waking up to the roosters crowing and bull frogs croaking in our backyard before the sunrises, enjoying the 20 yard walk to the ocean to watch the morning wake up, climbing rocks and stuff on our weekly hikes, hanging with friends in the North Shore tide pools, snorkeling in the clear water, and spending whole days getting sunburnt in the big blue 🙂 Not pictured: finding out about Hawaii’s general excise tax which we still need to pay from the last time we lived here, waiting in line at the DMV, changing bank accounts, H1 west traffic at 5, registering our business again and all the legal stuff that comes with that, tons of phone calls to “get life started” again here. Remember that these images are mainly highlights of our time on this dirt and it’s what we choose to share because we want to remember God’s grace in the hardships. One verse in particular has been giving us hope and we pray it does the same for you: “when times are good, be joyous, but when times are bad, consider this: the Lord has made the one as well as the other” -Ecclesiastes 7:14. 

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