
weddings, couples, wedding tips, and our personal life found here

A somewhat last-minute attempt to get all four sisters and one beautiful mom together before the first grandbaby of the family makes his (or her! that seems to be the theme here) debut. And even though it was quick – time is all we have, right?

One babe learning to walk and the other still snuggled inside mom. Campfires and grill fires. An intense bout of food poisoning. Biking everywhere and savoring time with family and friends.

Life Lately: September 2017

An incredible trip to little Telluride, Colorado filled with all kinds of people close to our hearts. And sleet/snow/cold. Lots of sleet/snow/cold. 

Camping in Southwest Colorado

Hot days and hot coffee. The sunniest flowers. Neighborhood window watching, a solar eclipse, dirty dishes and months blending together.

Life Lately: August 2017

Chicago is their city (and where they picked up a last minute cake from Whole Foods the night before their wedding!)

Anna and Dan are Married in Chicago

Constantly in wonder and awe over this planet, it all points back to our Creator.

Backpacking the Upper Peninsula

A mixture of sunsets and moonrises and as many of them at the lake as possible. Our camera didn’t see the light of day much except for work – that needs to change!

Life Lately: July 2017

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